Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition that causes painful lumps in areas with skin folds, such as the underarms, breasts, groin and buttocks. This can cause severe discomfort and lead to scarring.
Symptoms for hidradenitis suppurativa can range from mild to severe, but they most often include:
The lumps formed are primarily due to blocked hair follicles, but the leading cause behind this condition is still largely unknown. However, certain factors can trigger or worsen the symptoms.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is related to pre-pubescent and adolescent hormones, as it most often occurs during or after puberty. Factors like obesity and smoking also exacerbate the condition.
Medication and surgery are the two most common ways to treat hidradenitis suppurativa. It is a chronic condition, though, so it will most likely be something you endure for most of your life. Dr Maphosa seeks to understand each individual and their needs before determining the best course of treatment.
Medications include antibiotics, hormone therapy, steroid injections, retinoids and pain medication.
Surgery is only necessary in severe cases where the hidradenitis suppurativa has formed tunnels under the skin and large, painful bumps.